Turkey for Christmas Dinner is the English Tradition

Turkey for Christmas Dinner is the English Tradition

I’ve been thinking about a beautifully laid and appointed holiday table with  all the delicious fixings — roast turkey, roast potatoes, stuffing, gravy, cranberry sauce and Brussels sprouts. 
For Christmas Gifts, Robes Have Him Covered

For Christmas Gifts, Robes Have Him Covered

Christmas is just around the corner and I am working on my gift list.  Last year, I gave friends and family picture frames, which are always welcome as presents, I think. But this year, most of my gifts will be soft, cuddly bathrobes. 
Celebrating Christmas? Involve the Kids in Decorating

Celebrating Christmas? Involve the Kids in Decorating

Last week I wrote about embracing simplicity in Christmas decorations. This week, however, is for you maximalists.  If there is any time of year suited for decorating, it is now.  
Versatile Vases are Perfect Gifts

Versatile Vases are Perfect Gifts

If the pandemic hasn’t stopped you from taking care of your holiday shopping in brick-and-mortar stores this Christmas, I know the shopkeepers are appreciative of your business. But when I’m thinking about a gift that’s...
White House Holiday Decor Astonishes

White House Holiday Decor Astonishes

Christmas at the White House is always exciting. I have been lucky enough to visit the executive mansion many times during the holidays and once assisted with the Blue Room tree during President Jimmy Carter’s administration....
Vintage Glasses Give a Festive Touch

Vintage Glasses Give a Festive Touch

Ever hear the name Georges Briard? He was a famous designer of water glasses, bar glasses, trays and ceramics who was active from the 1950s to the ’70s.
Decorate To The Max For The Holidays

Decorate To The Max For The Holidays

Decorating, decorating and more decorating- at no time of the year is there as much decorating going on as in December.  This is a time of year for all faiths to enjoy the holidays, so...
Charming Staffordshire Dogs Are Always In Style

Charming Staffordshire Dogs Are Always In Style

Oh, how I love Staffordshire dogs! I adore these antique porcelain pups in every shade — white and black, henna-red and white, and even solid black. These Cavalier King Charles spaniel figures have a fascinating...