Embrace Creativity, Childlike Whimsy in Your Home

By Carleton Varney - Special to the Palm Beach Daily News
One of the things I like best about traveling is gathering new decorating ideas. Don’t you?
I have recently been visiting Los Angeles, where our office has opened a Dorothy Draper Fabrics & Wallcoverings showroom. When in L.A., I always enjoy stopping at the farmers’ market in West Hollywood to sample fresh and healthy gourmet delights. The farmers’ market has long been one of my go-to stops, and it is still a must-visit when I plan my West Coast schedule.
This year, not only did I learn how much I like dried strawberries but I also discovered LuvALamps at a sidewalk stand. I wanted to pass on this discovery to those of you looking for a distinctive hanging light fixture for your breakfast room, sun room or child’s room. I purchased two assemble-it-yourself fixtures from vendor Frank Iskhakov. You can see these happy hanging delights at CreativeLamps.com, or call Frank at (800) 486-0302.
The fixtures are available in many colors and shapes. On the sidewalk outside the farmers’ market, Frank told me how easily the parts of the fixtures can be put together. In fact, I watched Frank’s son, a very able 8-year old, quickly assemble one fixture, ending up with a delightful fish. I thought it would be perfect for a Palm Beach room.
I’m frequently amazed how many of today’s children, who likely have not been taught much penmanship in school, are whizzes at putting together Legos to form fairy-tale castles and even replicas of buildings, like the White House. In the minds of babes, a lot is going on as far as technology and design. That’s why I always advise parents to show an interest in their children’s creativity. I encourage them, for instance, to frame children’s art for wall hangings at home.
Why hang calendar art when a child can put together colors and forms with his or her own distinctive touch? And what a keepsake you’ll have.
I’ve also marveled at how young people enjoy a freedom with paints and crayons that seems so often to fade as they become adults. Watch how a child fearlessly mixes colors when drawing and how freely he or she completes an image. I hope you can borrow some of that awareness when you are considering a color scheme for your own home and the rooms within.
Children who are exposed to beauty at a young age will seek it their entire lives. This fact I have found in the many years that I have been decorating rooms around the globe.
And happy travels to you this summer, wherever you might be headed.
Jennifer Cole on
Carlton, inspiring message! Thanks and Happy Travels!
Beauty inspires at any age