Valentine's Day Sparks Memories of Cookies- and Cookie Jars!

By Carleton Varney- Special to the Palm Beach Daily News
Sunday is Valentine's Day, a time to give hugs — even if they’re virtual hugs, this year — and certainly a day to express our love and good wishes to our mates, friends and family.
I also enjoy getting a treat or two for myself on Valentine’s Day, even if it’s something as simple as a heart-shaped cookie from a big cookie jar on the kitchen counter. I pride myself in being part of the cookie-jar generation. Those of us who grew up in the 1940s and ’50s recall the days when the kitchen cookie jar was filled with a variety of delicious delights made from scratch.
Today, it seems, busy moms and dads often buy cookies in a box or bag — and those seldom end up in a cookie jar, which are often simply considered vintage accessories or antiques.
Shirley on
And a very Happy Valentines Day to you…..I hope your cookie jar is brim full!
Mister Carlton
The cookie jar was the best part of visiting a friends home. Now I like setting them out on a silver tray or a Picasso esq plate with napkins in abundance for drop by guests. Amazing how a neighbor will feel so special at a very simple gesture.
Love your attention to all things import in a refined life style.